Alpha - Espresso Blend


Milk Chocolate

Our signature blend designed to maximize sweetness and clarity, while being full bodied to cut through milk.

Our signature blend, made up of specialty grade, ethically sourced, fresh crop coffees. Currently made up of 2 coffees, sourced through our friends at Cofinet and 3Brothers; Colombian Popayan Reserve and Brazil Caldas Royale. These coffees are roasted for balance, while maintaining their origin characteristics. This approach gives a vibrancy to the cup when black and a creamy, sweetness with milk.

Espresso Recipe

Dose 20g in
Yield 30 - 45g out
Brew time 26-32 seconds

While this coffee is roasted specifically for espresso brewing, it works well through a filter or french press and yields a very sweet and chocolatey cup.
If you prefer a more syrupy, short style shot, aim for the lower yield in the longer time.